Sunday, 30 October 2016

Resepi Lemon Chicken yang Mudah dan Simple

Hola Lemonolaa!!!

Harini saya nak share cara buat lemon chicken yang paling simple, mudah, senang dan sedap! Orang cakap sharing is caring, loving..  bla bla.. haha nak buat ayat panjang tapi terbantut. Tak apalah kita terus ke topik utama-Resepi Lemon Chicken hehehe. Untuk sukatan tak berapa nak ikut sukat sangat sebab ni masak main masuk je. hehe

Bahan-bahan :

Ayam bahagian dada (3 orang makan)
Telur sebiji
Lemon sebiji
Sunkist Oren
Sprite 1 Tin
Bawang putih
Tepung Gandum, Tepung Jagung, Tepung Beras & Tepung Kentucky

Cara-cara :

Untuk Perap Ayam dan Goreng Ayam :

Saya perap sekejap je sebab balik kerja malam tak ada masa nak perap lama-lama, perut dah bising minta diisi hihi :

1. Potong ayam ikut saiz kesukaan dan bersihkan,

2. Tambah garam, sos tiram, lada sulah, perasa ayam secukup rasa. Gaulkan dan perap beberapa minit.

3. Lepas tu, pecahkan sebiji telur. Asingkan telur putih ngan kuning. Ada orang guna telur putih sahaja untuk menggoreng ayam tepung. Tapi saya guna dua-dua putih dan kuning sebab sayang nak buang kuning telur tu haha. Letak tepi kejap sementara nak gaul resepi tepung untuk goreng ayam. hehe

4. Sediakan mangkuk kosong, tambahkan Tepung Gandum 4 sudu teh, Tepung Beras 4 sudu teh, Tepung Jagung 4 sudu teh and Tepung Kentucky 4 sudu teh, lada sulah ikut kesukaan banyak mana korang nak. Garam sedikit dan letak perencah secukup rasa sedikit. Gaulkan sebati tepung tersebut.

5. Gaulkan ayam yang dah diperap ke dalam campuran tepung sebelum menggoreng. Lepastu, panaskan minyak kat kuali menggoreng. Bila minyak dah cukup panas, masukkan ayam seperti di bawah. Goreng sampai kekuningan.

6. Selfie dulu before angkat ayam hahaha. Perut memanggil-manggil dah time ni.

Cara-cara untuk membuat Sos Lemon yang mudah dan simple:

1. Panaskan butter kat kuali.

2. Bila butter dah mula mencair, masukan bawang putih dan tumis sampai naik bau. Jangan sampai bawang kehitaman tau.

3. Selepas itu, tuangkan satu tin "Sprite" lemon dan kira 2 tiga sudu Sunkist Oren. Ini memudahkan kerja anda yang tak nak sediakan banyak benda. Anda tak perlu nak tambah gula and pewarna kuning sebab Sprite dan sunkist oren itu memang dah manis masam masam and kekuningan. Gaulkan sebati dalam kuali sebelum tambahkan ayam.

4. Bila sos itu nampak mendidih bancuh dua sudu kecil tepung jagung dan tuangkan ke dalam sos lemon tadi. Then masukan ayam yang sudah digoreng tadi ke dalam sos lemon. Ada yang tak suka suka ayam soggy, so masak sos berasingan dan tuang ke atas ayam. Tapi saya nak cepat, masak ayam bersama sos lemon je hehe.

5. Sementara sos ayam semakin memekat, Ambil lemon sebiji, potong separuh. Simpan dua tiga slice lemon tu untuk hiasan lemon. Selebihnya perah untuk dapatkan jus lemon.

6. Bila sos dah semakin m"masuk"ke dalam isi ayam dan nampak berkilat,  tuangkan jus lemon tadi dan gaulkan sampai nampak juicy. Siap.

7.Sebab bersemangat nak chicken lemon rasa masam lemon jangan sampai masak lemon banyak-banyak bersama ayam, nanti jadi pahit hehe. 

Sedia untuk di - ngap yumnomnom. Pun boleh la hehe. Terlebih terkurang pandai-pandai la sendiri hehe.. 

TQ ;)=

Saturday, 29 October 2016

Kuih Tepung Pelita


Teringat time bulan puasa. Kalau pergi bazaar kuih yang wajib dibeli ialah Kuih Tepung Pelita. Orang lain yang puasa, saya yang bersemangat pergi bazaar. Beli macam-macam makanan then makan sekali dengan housemates. Kenangan manis dulu-dulu.

Alkisahnya, bulan puasa yang lepas, sebab mengidam nak makan tepung pelita sangat2. Pergi ke bazaar. Sampai bazaar, orang yang jual kuih cakap tak ada jual kuih tepung pelita. The next day, pergi lagi lain bazaar tanya soalan sama, dapat jawapan yang sama juga. Tak ada jual kuih tepung pelita. So, dek kerana mengidam malam2 pergi beli bahan untuk buat kuih tepung pelita. Daun pandan pun ambek fresh  guna lampu suluh kat rumah mak cik waktu malam haha. Kalah orang mengandung.

Bahan semua ready, so apalagi.. biar gambar berbicara la..hehe tadaaaa!!!

Homemade Kuih Tepung Pelita Tengah Malam. Siap hampir nak dekat 1 pagi.,:)


Lapisan bawah :

1 cawan tepung beras
1 cawan gula
5 cawan air
Sedikit air kapur
4 helai daun pandan di mesen dgn sedikit air

Tepung, air, gula, air daun pandan dan air kapur di bancuh hingga rata.
Masak atas api sederhana dan kacau selalu sehingga adunan masak dan berkilat
Bila dah masak sudukan ke dalam kotak pisang atai gelas kecil dan ratakan.
biarkan keras sebentar.

Lapisan Atas :

4 sudu besar tepung beras - ratakan
1 biji kelapa diperah jadi 4 cawan santan
secubit garam

Perah santan dan tapis ke dalam periuk. Masukkan 4 sudu tepung beras dan secubit garam.
kacau rata dan masak atas api sederhana sambil mengacau sehingga adunan masak dan pekat.
Sudukan santan ke atas lapisan pandan tadi.

Biarkan sejuk dan simpan dalam peti ais untuk rasa yang lebih dingin.

Ni rupa selepas ditapis. Pastikan smooothhhhh baru umphhh melting ting tong yummy.

Rupa kuih tepung pelita yang siap just belum disejukan. hehe puas ati tak terasa letih balik keja..

Tak tahu buat. Just tengok cara2 buat kotak dia ni kat youtube kat situ berlambak nak pilih yang mana satu. see first try jadi juga..asal rajin belajar. belajar trus praktikal ni..hehe

Tukang buat kuih yang kaki gambar. hahah who caressss hihi

Bila dah sejuk ahhhh...hilang stress mengidam. akhirnya rase lebih kurang dengan yang dibeli di bazaar dulu-dulu juga cewah hehe. Ermm boleh kawin dah si kawan cakap. Aku jawab "Papepun kawin bukan sesenang ABC haha kita makan dulu besok2 pikir kawen la.." haha

Sekian. Throwback takut nanti mengidam lagi boleh tengok balik..hihi


Friday, 21 October 2016

Friday Jumaat Rojak

Friday 21/10/2016.

Dulu stadi kalau nak focus..tak boleh nak dengar music.

Bila kerja, listening music motivates me. Maybe ada yang tak bersetuju but when I really need to get work done, the headphones go on dengan volumn yang seoalah-olah kita berada dekat konsert tu or masuk sekali dalam lagu tu sambil focus kerja.

Tapi kalau haritu ada banyak deal dengan orang atau banyak terima call, janganlah berheadphones okay! Kerja-kerja juga tapi jangan sampai kerja membuatkan anda hilang semangat untuk menikmati hidup..cewah. Belajar untuk mengawal tahap ketensionan. Jangan biarkan tension mengawal kita. Smile!!


Music harini...
My advise is, let your music drive your put on the headphones. Turn up the music and get some work done today! Okay :)x


Thursday, 20 October 2016



Some days you wake up and right when you are going to begin your work, you feel a presence within you that stops you from doing so. You sit down, but you sit down quietly this time. Suddenly, that feeling where you once were so passionate and energized to take action just isn’t there anymore. You try to hype yourself up but it’s not working, and everything you do seems to be counterintuitive. You face the truth. You don’t want to work today and you don’t feel motivated to do anything but just escape. Without this motivation, you feel a little hopeless, lost, and stuck....mimpi.

.......  Busy, tired, sleepy, But I am happy, and nothing has stolen my joy. That's all.


Thursday, 13 October 2016



Last night I got into a heated discussion with a friend of mine who happens to be a relationship expert.  We were discussing the “person with a lot of options” dating type.  This type has the package of looks, success, personality and appeal that makes him or her desirable to a lot of people.  Often, the “person with a lot of options” resists settling down and uses having lots of options as a reason to not commit to any one person (they are having too much fun enjoying not having to choose just one person). But my friend asserted that it is possible to convince the “person with a lot of options” type to pick you.  He went on to say that if someone is really wowed by someone and “played” correctly, they can be convinced to change their willingness to commit.

Whether that is true or not true is irrelevant to me.  The bigger question is why in the world would you try and convince someone to be with you? Granted, at the beginning of any relationship there is some wooing that goes on.  When we first start dating someone, it’s natural to put a little more effort in so the other person knows that you like him/her.  But there is a line between wooing someone because you are mutually interested in relationship and convincing someone to be in a relationship with you when they are not looking for one.

Have you crossed the line? Here’s how you know: when someone is clear that they are not looking for a commitment and you are, do you hear that information and know that is your time to opt out because your values don’t align? Or do you start to think of ways that you could possibly convince this person to pick you?

If you choose the latter, then you are entering into what I call relationship gaming.  It starts when we start to ignore our top values and our ego comes in and says, “I want what I want and I’m going after it.”  You then start thinking of ways to manipulate, convince and strategize your actions to get what you want.  There is nothing wrong with relationship gaming if you want to build a relationship based on strategy rather than authenticity.  But if you want an authentic, intimate, spiritual partnership, get out of the game.

I also challenge you to be honest about how much you truly value commitment. If you are chasing after someone who does not want to commit and judging that the other person has fear of commitment, look in the mirror.  If you truly value commitment, why are you going after someone who doesn’t? The truth is that you may fear commitment also. As much as you say you want someone to be in a loving, intimate and committed relationship with you, part of you may not think it’s possible.  Maybe you’ve been hurt in the past by a committed relationship and unconsciously you are putting effort into a relationship that will never become committed as a way to protect yourself.  Or perhaps you have some limiting beliefs about your worthiness, which are fueling your pattern of chasing after crumbs. And as much as you want to receive love, there is something about it that scares you.

Now back to my friend’s point of being able to convince someone that doesn’t want a commitment to commit to you.  As great as the “person with a lot of options” type may seem, if they do not value commitment and you do, then is the person really that great?  We often get so mesmerized with the attributes of a person (i.e. what they look like, their personality, what they do in the world, etc.) that we overlook their values and what they are actually telling us they want! And when you do “get” them, you may not even want them because you’re probably more in love with the fantasy than the actual person. Furthermore, don’t you want the experience of choosing AND being chosen?  Are convincing and chasing really part of the love story that you want to tell?

We’ve all heard stories about serial daters and commitment phobes who finally change when they meet their “match.” But here is what I have observed about this phenomenon: it is true that we can be catalysts for another person’s change, but in most cases in order to be that catalyst we have to be totally unattached to being it. Let’s go back to the “person with a lot of options” type.  Even those types fall in love and settle down, but usually not with someone who went into the relationship tolerating his/her lack of commitment and with a motive to change him/her. It is detachment, acceptance and honoring our own truth that often creates the inspiration for someone to find the truth within his/herself. That said, don’t try to strategize about how to be unattached about changing someone, hoping they will change — that is still attachment!

My encouragement to you is to be ruthlessly honest with yourself about whether or not you are dating or chasing.  You are worthy of a relationship that you do not have to chase after.  You deserve feeling peace in your relationship. You are deserving of someone who shares your values. You have a huge heart with so much love to give and if someone isn’t “choosing” you, why do you keep choosing him/her?!?!?

Take back your power and pursue a relationship with wooing but not chasing.  Choose wisely someone who will choose you back.  Most importantly, choose to honor and respect yourself first.  Trust that we all have a lot of options when it comes to relationships, but that the one relationship we MUST have is the one with ourselves.  If you want to attract a wonderful, loving partner who treats you the way you want to be treated, you will do that when you love yourself and treat yourself with respect, kindness and love.   So stop running after someone else.  Choose you. Pick you.  Chase you.

Credit to : Christine Hassler

P/S : Being yourself as you are and being honest the whole time will bring true love. The games should be short lived if it's real.  If not, it will naturally fall apart or never come to fruition.


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