Saturday, 26 June 2010

1year gone...L.O.V.E and R.I.P Micheal Jackson!

....remember the time....
I'm remembering and I'll remember forever..................................

Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29,1958–June 25,2009)

It's one year and you are so real in my heart like it was just yesterday;( (
word cant explain how sad I still feel,...
I will always love you Michael, I will always miss you...
No one will ever replace you...
you are not alone, you always live in my heart-....-4ever LOVE!
R.I.P and god bless you and your children...amen..


Sunday, 20 June 2010

Happy FATHER'S Day!

Happy Father's Day to my lovely dad, George Jantai...
u're da greatest dad to me ...

i'm happy u're my dad
thanks for being my father
thanks for raising me
thanks for being my protector
thank for being there for me
you're always my true friend...
thanks..thanks..thanks..thank you apai!

we all LOVE you so much dad!!forever love--[ari-kitai sebilik;))]

the two of us are buddies..
-i always be your lil girl no matter what we go thru cause we make it thru....:)=

apai...aku sayau ke seduai indai, diato sampai ila-ila and aku nemu seduai d pan sayau ke aku meh...;))*_^


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