Friday, 30 October 2015
Idea baru
Saya ada seorang collegue kat sini (nama nor), yang selalu meluahkan masalah dan minta pandangan mengenai sesuatu hal terutama mengenai hubungan dia dengan bakal tunang. Permulaannya, saya sekadar mendengar segala masalahnya sambil tersenyum sahaja tanpa menyampuk atau memberi nasihat. Lagipun siapa saya untuk memberi nasihat. Kisah cinta saya pun tak menarik untuk dikongsi hehe, Tapi , suatu hari dia minta nasihat sejujurnya dari saya mengenai apa yang perlu dia buat dalam perhubungannya. So, dari saat itu hampir setiap hari akan ada je soalan dia muncul minta pendapat serta pandangan sehingga ke hari ini. Tapi bila hari ni saya cakap kat dia "saya tak akan masuk opis dah lepas ni", terus dia bertanya kenapa. Barulah saya berterus-terang ngan dia yang saya memang kerja untuk tempoh masa sekejap sahaja sebelum masuk ke company baru. Dia cakap, dia bersyukur berjumpa saya. Saya plak tersenyum kambing mendengar sambil cakap dia "ngeng" haha. Tapi tak lama selepas itu, dia memberi idea buat saya bila dia cakap, "kak, kenak kitak sik engkah dalam blog pasal motivasi yang ktak berik ngan kamek nya? Nasihat akak ya memang berkesan bagi kamek sebab apa yang akak nasihatkan memang berlaku ngan kamek bah, macam kenak ja hati. Syukurlah akak bagi nasihat dan kamek rasa semakin matang kinek." Cewahhh..terus saya cakap, "bolehkah saya blog kisah nor ni". Dia cakap "yep". So, dari situ saya terpikir, bagus juga idea Nor nih, bila ada masa terluang nanti saya akan menulis entry mengenai motivasi la pulak. Mana tau, boleh jadi a great philosopher hahaha toink.Tak salah berangan kan hehe.. :D
Thursday, 29 October 2015
I Am a Taurus!
I am a Taurus woman and this is sooo me!

When you come across a Taurus female, the first thing you will notice about her is her undefeatable emotional strength. She is capable of handling the severest of problems, without shedding even a single tear. She has the infamous Taurus temper, but it is seldom displayed. Atleast not until the provocation is too much to digest. She is as feminine as any other female, without the unnecessary tantrums. A Taurus woman has no desire of dominating her boyfriend or husband. She will let him handle the reins, infact this is what she secretly desires.
A Taurus woman wants a real man, who can make her proud of himself as much as she is proud of herself. However, if he fails in his role, she will take the control in her own hands. Neither will she act like a mewing kitten, nor like a roaring lioness. She is independent and has a mind of her own, but she does not want to dominate in the relationship. Taurean women do not see social status while making their friends. They want to be friends with people who do not hide their true nature and come across as they really are.
Their friends may be a little weird, but they will not be phonies or hypocrites. A Taurus girl doesn't fight with people she dislikes, she simply ignores them and becomes indifferent to their presence. However, she will be loyal to her true friends and they will remain with her throughout her life. In return, she will expect them to stand by her when she needs them. A Taurean woman also gets jealous, but only if you exceed the limits of casual flirtation. Everything has a limit and this also does. It's better not to provoke her anger or you will be very sorry.
She is brainy, but not too much interested in intellectual subjects. She is practical in her thinking and does not feel the need to indulge in mental gymnastics. She is balanced in her approach and you will hardly see her in a restless disposition. A Taurean girl hates anything artificial, be the flowers in her vase or the friends in her life. She has to feel the fragrance of real roses and the presence of real people. The beauty of Mother Nature especially pleases her.
Ugliness of any kind makes her miserable and repulsive. She loves to be amidst colorful surroundings, like gardens blooming with flowers. A Taurean female has a good taste, so please be very careful before taking her out. She is a very good cook herself and you will always be treated to excellent homemade food. She is also very much interested in the art forms, like painting. She is a tomboy at heart and will enjoy many guy-things like horse riding, going on a roller coaster ride, fishing, etc.
All this makes her feel close to nature. She dresses simply, yet elegantly and her fabrics are always feather-soft. Taurus female is very strong and above the usual female insecurities. However, she demands loyalty and will never compromise in this area. She is beyond hypocrisy and has an undemanding and easy-going manner. She wants her man to take her side, especially in public. If he contradicts her in front of other people, expect the temperature to reach beyond the boiling point.
When pushed too far, she loses her cool demeanor quickly. Taurus women make excellent mothers, except for the fact that they cannot tolerate disobedience or defiance in kids. Laziness and carelessness also makes them angry. Otherwise, they will be more of a friend to their children than the typical mommies. A Taurus woman will also teach the kids how to be strong and will protect them from the big bad outside world. She never shirks from or whines about her responsibilities. Her man will be expected to do the same.
She can also bear endless pain and stress, without complaining for a single minute. She is good with finances and knows how to maintain quality in a reasonable budget. She is a very good host and will be there to help her man in any and every way she can. A Taurean woman will care for you when you are ill, will back you in your new business venture and let you take over the control of the home. And, you will always be treated to a warm, cozy home when you come back from office!
Credit: ExperienceProject
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Do Whateveryouwant Wheneveryouwant
Iklan adsense dah muncul..
Macam happy je macam senyum je.
Memang betul la google adsense tu tak suka header saya yang ada picture gun sebelum ni.
Okay..harap tak kena gantung la adsense saya ni kan. Rasa teruja bukan sebab nak dolar tapi sebab dulu selalu fail bila apply benda ni then bila dah dapat apply rasa "wow, berjaya juga akhirnya"..haha tak ada benda sangat pun.
Penulisan kat blog ni pun sekadar persiapkan waktu tua cewahh. Mana tahu incase kemudian hari, nak throwback zaman muda-muda atau alzheimer ke atau lain-lain ke, at least benda ni boleh mengisi masa lapang di kemudian hari. Membantu membangkitkan aura muda dalam diri. So, boleh la tersenyum kambing sambil mengisi waktu lapang membaca penulisan sendiri...kalau panjang umur la..amin. :)
Soal ada reader ke tidak, itu bukan persolannya sekarang. Penulisan di blog ini hanyalah perkongsian tentang diri serta kesukaan dari hati. So, do whatever you want, no matter the consequences. Whatever you believe about yourself on the inside is what you will manifest on the outside. Chayokk!! :)
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Header Baru
Haa.. pagi-pagi dah create header blog baru. Sebab apa?? Alkisahnya, saya ada bertanyakan soalan kepada pak google adsense, kenapa saya still tak dpt iklan walaupun account adsense dah approved. Then dia reply seperti kat bawah ni ha...
Pertama kali baca, macam ade sedikit pedas. Sejujurnya saya just tick agree je policies tu tanpa baca keseluruhan isi kandungan tersebut. Tapi saya memang sedia maklum yang adsense sememangnya tak suka blog yang mengandungi unsur-unsur violent serta blog yang tidak senonoh kandungannya. Tapi, kali kedua saya baca, saya siap tergelak sebab memikirkan header saya yang dikatakan ganaz itu. Haha. Nak mengimbas kembali kenapa saya edit pic ngan gun tersebut.
Waktu dedulu punya cerita, saya sangat suka mengambil serta mengedit gambar. Suatu hari saya berjaya install adobe Photoshop free ke dalam laptop saya. Saya memang lama dah mengidamkan program photoshop tapi kena beli. Semasa saya layan tutorial edit picture kat youtube, saya terjumpa satu video ni yang menyediakan code adobe photoshop for free. Saya terlupa photoshop CS ke berapa la. Kalau tak silap CS6. Saya pun terus install dan belajar guna youtube. Selain itu saya pun ada juga install brushes free dari web orang. Sekarang lupa yang mana satu web yang saya selalu guna dapatkan benda free untuk photoshop. hahaha.
Ramai cakap photoshop mahal. Tapi sebab rajin baca details. Jumpa juga code freenya toink. Segala cara install belajar kat youtube. So header saya yang ada gun keluar asap ni ialah hasil pertama yang saya edit guna photoshop. Gun tu tak ada maksud tersembunyi. Saya guna pic gun sebab saya nakkan header color black. Ngam-ngam plak ada wallpaper black handgun yang saya senang nak edit dan menarik perhatian saya. Tak nak nampak kosong sangat, saya kekalkan gun itu. Saya posisikan pic saya belah kiri seolah-olah kebal la kan. Gun dah siap berasap saya still kekal kat situ je bagi smiley kambing. Ni dia print screen saya punya header sebelum saya tukar yang baru.
Kat bawah ni pic asal sebelum di-edit. Ni pic masa pegi Melaka ngan membe. Ni kat dinding tembok yang orang ramai-ramai ambik gambar.. Gambar sekitar 2011 or 2012. Saya pun tak sure saya ada post pasal ni ke tak. Lama tak berblog kan. Apa-apapun pic ada gun kat atas bukan bermaksud ganas or violent, watsoeva tapi saya just nak abadikan dia sebagai header untuk memperingati hasil pembelajaran saya dengan adobe photoshop. Rasanya saya ada bakat ke tak edit pic ni? hihi
Tadaa, kat bawah ni header baru saya edit sebentar tadi masa awal pagi sebelum start keja. Ini maybe guna sementara je. Saya create guna Ipietoon blog design. Untuk menampakkan blog ni ada kasih sayang saya letak la pic toon yg cute ni. Terasa smooth je tengok..hueee
Kadang bila kita terlampau selesa dengan sesutau itu, kita terlupa nak mewarnainya sehingga kita abaikan seperti saya mengabaikan blog saya ni. So, saya cuba untuk memberi nafas baru serta semangat baru untuk blog dan diri saya sendiri juga.
Wish me best of luck and Thank you, semua..
Sila click links kat bawah sekiranya ingin tahu mengenai sejarah header aciapai's blog ni.. Maybe ada yang saya terlupa, saya tak berapa nak ingat..hehehe sekian :D
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Check email harini, rupa-rupanya permohonan Google Adsense saya diluluskan pada hari yang sama saya mohon haritu!! Maksudnya google adsense sudah menyokong penggunaan blog bahasa Melayu dan saya sah dah ketinggalan berita google. Okay, sekarang masih dalam mood konfius nak letak iklan google adsense ni dalam blog. Lagipun my "earnings settings" masih tak dapat nak save dekat blog page. Kemungkinan pak google nak main-mainkan saya la ni. Adsense kurang friendly sikit berbanding nuffnang. Perlu tahu syarat-syarat dia. Blogger harus berdisplin dan mematuhi syarat untuk menggelakan akaun digantung. Tapi tak apa, sebagai amatur adsense, banyak lagi yang perlu saya pelajari. (ayat jaga perasaan sendiri hehe). Tak nak ekcited sangat tapi iklan kosong. Biar lambat tapi ilmu penuh, cewah! Nanti terburu-buru last-last kena gantung akaun. Tak guna juga. Ramai akaun google adsense kena gantung gara-gara kesilapan kecil. Harap tak kena gantung la. Harap menjadi. Tapi kalau tak keluar iklan juga kat blog ni, maknanya tuan blog belom cukup ilmu google lagi la tu..ataupun si google adsense tersedar yang dia dah terapprove salah blog.. mana la tau kan, dia tarik balik approval yg da bagi tu. Nasib badan la..ibarat periuk nasi dah tersedia, tapi beras menghilang entah kemana. Beras takde!!
Friday, 23 October 2015
Apply Google Adsense
Hi semua,
Pasti ramai tahu mengenai Google Adsense kan. :)
Apa itu Google Adsense?
Google Adsense ialah program yang disediakan oleh pihak google buat para blogger atau webmaster yang lain yang ingin menjana pendapatan online dengan menyiarkan iklan di blog atau web mereka. Bayaran dikira dari jumlah per click atau pageviews yang terhasil dari blog tersebut.
Saya pernah dua kali mendaftar untuk menjadi warga adsense ni sewaktu aktif berblog dulu-dulu tetapi kedua-dua pendaftaran saya itu gagal. Lepas tu saya lupakan google adsense and daftar sebagai ahli nuffnang. Sampai sekarang saya still menjadi ahli nuffnang dan pernah merasa duit poket dari nuffnang. Terima kasih nuffnang :)
Sekarang saya ingin mencuba nasib sekali lagi dengan pak google. Potensi permohonan lulus tinggi sekiranya blog kita nampak aktif. So, untuk menampakan yang blog ni aktif saya post la pasal google adsense ni sendiri. Dari pengalaman, google adsense akan buat review dalam tempoh masa lebih kurang seminggu camtu. Reason kenapa saya gagal dulu ialah kerana google adsense tidak menerima blog dari bahasa Melayu. Tambahan lagi, blog saya ni lebih kepada bahasa rojak. Kalau saya tahu bahasa Cina ngan Tamil sekalipun, kemungkinan besar untuk saya menulis entry dalam dua bahasa tersebut adalah tinggi. Kali ni, saya mencuba nasib sekali lagi untuk menjadi warga adsense. Gagal atau lulus, saya terima result dengan hati terbuka..cewahh. Sekarang saya kembali berblogging kerana keghairahan saya untuk menulis semakin meninggkat dan saya juga ingin memperbaiki penulisan saya ke arah yang lebih matang serta progresif. Dan kenapa saya ingin memohon adsense ini sekali lagi ialah kerana kita semua sedia maklum bahawa currency matawang dollar semakin mahal. Dengan adsense, kita akan menerima bayaran dengan matawang USD, jadi kalau tukar kepada RM.... anda matematikla sendiri jumlahnya yea..hehe.
Kepada sesiapa yang berminat berblogging serta teringin belajar selok belok mengenali dunia online, rajin-rajin la membaca okeh.. Membaca boleh membawa kemana saja anda inginkan. Dulu saya pernah mengembara ke benua antartika gara-gara ingin mengetahui ketebalan ais di kutub selatan bumi..tapi akhirnya saya melencong sampai ke dunia misteri segitiga bermuda bagai. Walau tidak berpeluang pergi ke tempat sebenar tapi saya dah dapat view sesuatu tempat itu huee. Okk..tak habis-habis nanti kalau melalut...hehe sekian.
Friday, 16 October 2015
Untukmu Ma
Entry kali ini khas buat Ma.
Ma. Saya mengenali Ma dari seorang kawan karib dari Kelantan yang bernama Nini. Ma ni ialah mak kepada Nini. Dari zaman university sampailah sekarang, ma saya dah anggap seperti mak saya sendiri. Bukan saya seorang tapi kami 5 bersahabat. Balik dari kelas, semuanya siap terhidang. Bila malam kami bercerita kongsi cerita. Ma pandai bergurau adakalanya gurau sambil nasihat. Ma orangnya lemah lembut tapi tegas dalam mendidik anak-anaknya. Ma pandai melayan karenah anak muda seperti kami. Ma melayan kami seperti anaknya sendiri. Walaupun berbeza agama, bangsa dan budaya dengan mereka, tapi bila ngan Ma saya tak rasa ada perbezaan dari aspek-aspek tersebut. Ma selalu kata saya "lin yang nakal". Tiap kali saya bergurau "nakal" ma tahu maksud disebalik gurauan itu. Malah ma akan menambahkan lagi sehingga kami tak tahan menahan ketawa. Sungguh banyak kenangan manis bersama ma. Saya belajar makan ulam-ulaman pun dari ma. Saya masih ingat, bangganya saya bercerita dengan famili saya bila mana saya terror makan petai mentah. Saya cakap ngan mereka, "ma dari kelantan yang ajar." Saya juga belajar makan budu dari ma. Saya bawa budu yang ma bagi balik ke Sarawak, saya cakap "ma dari kelantan bagi". Masih teringat laksa utara seperiuk besar ma buat. Kami balik dari kelas makan tak ingat dunia. Ma buat sedap. Alahh... tak mampu saya tulis kesemuanya, ma . Biarlah tersimpan menjadi kenganan manis.
Masa berlalu tak terasa, awal perkenalan 2007 sehinggalah sekarang, 2015 anak-anak ma ni semua dah berjaya grad dan dah ada pekerjaan. Tapi kami sering dapat khabar kesihatan Ma tak berapa baik setahun dua ni. Banyak kali ma tak sedarkan diri. Penyakit yang dihidapi ma makin hari makin merisaukan. Tapi ma seorang yang hebat kerana ma berjaya mendidik anak-anak ma. Ma bertuah dapat anak-anak solehah seperti mereka. Walaupun ma tak ada rezeki kesihatan tapi ma bertuah dikurniakan rezeki anak-anak yg mendengar kata. Anak-anak yang sedar tanggungjawab mereka sebagai anak. Bertuah ada anak yang sanggup meninggalkan segalanya demi memastikan ma sentiasa terjaga. Anak ma selalu mendahulukan ma. Saya rasa berbangga dapat sahabat baik seperti Nini, ma. Ma tak usah risau, dia sahabat kami kini dan selamanya. Kini kami saling berjauhan. Hanya bertanya khabar, bertukar cerita melalui whatsapp. Kami semua busy. Kami rindu nak jenguk ma. Kami semua sepakat nak lawat ma sewaktu hari raya haji yang baru lepas hari tu. Nak tidur kat rumah ma. Nak throwback kenangan lama. Ma happy sekali mendengar khabar kami nak datang jenguk ma. Saya masih ingat Nini cakap "eh korang, ma happy sangat anak-anak ma nak datang jenguk ma".. Tapi apakan daya, masing-masing ada hal lalu janji tinggal janji. Kami tangguhkan janji itu ke masa lain. Bukan niat di hati kami tak jadi datang ma, tapi ma tahu kenapa....maafkan kami ma.
Semalam, 15/10/2015
Pepagi si sahabat kami Nini khabarkan ma pengsan lagi. Kami hanya mampu bagi kata-kata semangat serta kirimkan doa kat whatsapp agar ma cepat sedar and cepat sembuh. Tapi sebagai manusia kita hanyalah merancang, Tuhan lah yang menentukan segalanya. Malam semalam iaitu malam Jumaat, ma telah pergi selama-lamanya. Ma telah pergi.... Saya tak tahu nak cakap apa. Yang pasti saya menggeletar sejurus menerima berita kepergian ma. Ya Tuhan, baru saya tahu apa erti sebenar terkilan. Perasaan sedih campur menyesal tapi tak dapat nak buat apa, orang tu da pergi selamanya. Janji lama tak sempat ditunaikan. Tak siapa pun yang boleh menolong, tiada siapa. Saya sungguh terkilan tak sempat jumpa ma saat saat akhir. Ma selalu pesan suruh datang Kelantan, saya akan cakap nanti saya datang lawat. Saya pun baru dah planning nak bagpacker pergi Kelantan sambil singgah and lawat ma. Tapi tiada siapa boleh melawan ketentuan Tuhan. Ma telah pergi. Bukan rezeki saya nak jumpa ma. Saya tak keseorangan, masing-masing dari kami menyesal tak jadi datang jumpa ma time raya haji aritu. Kalaulah kami tahu....tapi apakan daya, semuanya takdir. Kami mendoakan agar roh ma ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang beriman serta tenang di sana.
Buat sahabat kami Nini, kami tahu awak kuat sahabat. Kami semua merasa kepergian ma. Di kesempatan ini, saya juga berterima kasih kat sahabat kami Tqa kerana sudi menjadi tukang pemunggut sumbangan ikhlas kami buat Nini sekelurga. Nini terimalah sumbangan ikhlas dari kami semua. Jangan pernah terpikir awak keseorangan. Sebagai sahabat, kami merasa apa yang awak rasa, apatah lagi yang pergi itu ialah insan yang kami pernah anggap seperti mak kami sendiri. Penulisan kali ini saya khaskan buat ma kerana Nini pernah bagitau ma suka tengok blog saya. Ma salute tengok saya berblogging. Ma baca blog saya. Entry kali ni special untuk ma, Nini. Walaupun ma dah tiada, tapi kenangan bersama ma tetap bersemadi di jiwa setiap diri kami. Terima kasih di setiap memories. Saya tak dapat nak ucap al-fatiha buat ma tapi ma selayaknya dalam doa saya. Semoga roh ma tenang di sana. Amin.
Insan terkilan,
"lin yang nakal"
Thursday, 15 October 2015
I miss writing.
Hello my dear blog,
It's funny how the more time that passed the harder it was to make this post happen. So many things have been changing and to be honest there has been very little down time. I have officially changed careers and now I'm working at my own home town, Sarawak. It's such a fun environment and I get to see lots of faces everyday! I definitely miss sharing my-not-too-personal life in this space. I'm going to try to keep this blog focused on writing all the things I regularly blog about. I had a great time doing all these things, and they definitely made my life more "fabulous" but honestly I couldn't do it everyday. Anyway, good luck me!
Thursday, 8 October 2015
She's Not Into You
If you are confused about the signals she is giving you or are in denial, well here are 10 clear signs she doesn’t like you, no matter how much you like her.
1. You are always the one trying to reach her
So you’ve called around three to four times and she doesn’t return your calls, texts, or emails for a few days. She doesn’t make an effort to return your attempts. In all probability, she doesn’t really want to be in touch with you or is looking for her space. So give it to her. If she really does want to be in touch, she will call you back at least once in every three phone calls. If this isn’t happening, all you are going to be getting is her voicemail and no more.
2. I’m too busy right now for a relationship
Classic! Women use this line all the time to diplomatically tell you to back off on the advances. Maybe she is really too busy, or maybe she isn’t into you enough to want to be in a relationship with you. Either way, it’s her way of telling you she isn’t on the same emotional page you are.
3. So what kind of a guy do you see yourself with?
You ask her this, and her reply sounds nothing like you! In fact, the only thing you have in common with her dream guy may be your gender! So smile, have a laugh about it, and bring out that little black book or wait for the right someone to bump into you.
4. She prefers to sit farther away from you
This is a sure sign when the lady you are pursuing isn’t into you romantically. If she did like like you, she would make sure that she sits closer to you and be a little more intimate. For example, she would brush your arm casually every now and then or just pay attention to you. However, if she is sitting farther from you, chances are she is busy checking out the rest of the joint for potential bachelors. Ergo, in this case, distance doesn’t make the heart grow fonder. This is one of the main signs she doesn’t like you that way.
5. “He would make an amazing boyfriend!
No, she isn’t trying to make you jealous. She knows you have been pursuing her, and yet she is still telling you straight to your face that she finds other men interesting. Now that is a sure sign that this is the end. If she really is worth it, be friends and ask her to hook you up with someone else instead!
6. Hey, I think you and my friend would really hit it off
Okay, so she really likes you as a friend and doesn’t want to see you hurt. In all honesty, she is trying to tell you that she’s just not into you. So think about it and take her up on her offer. You never know, maybe her friend and you are just right for each other. I am not suggesting that you use her friend as a substitute, but give her a fair shot.
7. I’m not sure whether we can meet up, I think I might have to clean the garage
Sorry, my friend, if she is making excuses like that almost every time you want to make plans with her, the harsh reality is that she really doesn’t want to date you. If she really wants to be with you, she wouldn’t play so hard to get.
8. I’m really sorry, but my neighbor’s dog has to be taken to the vet
If you see a blue moon, then maybe she really had to take her neighbor’s dog to a vet! But if she keeps cancelling on your plans giving you vague excuses, then, my lovesick friend, she either has better plans or she just doesn’t want to be with you. I’m sorry buddy, but the bitter truth is better than the sweetest poison!
9. She only wants to hang out with you when she wants to party
So you have a great career and you make the moolah. You call her up just to have coffee and she always blows you off, but calls you when she wants to go partying and gets all her friends along. If this has happened, she is more interested in the extension of your back pocket than you! She might be crazy hot but don’t live in denial, she isn’t going to start dating you. Hit the road jack and don’t look back!
10. She doesn’t laugh at your jokes
It’s a given that a woman loves to laugh – only if she really likes a guy who is around or with her. But if she isn’t doing this with you, that’s one of the sure signs that she is not into you. Women who like you will not always laugh at your jokes, but will make an attempt to at least enjoy your sense of humor, even when you aren’t funny. If they don’t understand the joke, they will ask you what it meant and give you a shot. So if she isn’t laughing or paying attention at all, she probably is looking for someone else to make her laugh.
Here are some signs you girlfriend is beginning to lose interest in you
1) Her messages/calls get shorter and less consistent. Women by nature LOVE to COMMUNICATE. Even if they are angry with you, they will communicate with you by saying ‘I am angry and don’t feel like talking’ and keep repeating it. If they stop communicating or communicate a lot less, it is a sign.
2) She no longer feels jealous
3) She no longer minds when you don’t spend time with her and pretends it is ‘being understanding’. (Women can be very manipulative when it comes to making themselves look like the good person)
4) She is suddenly very ‘busy’. This is a fact of life. A person can be very very very busy but they will always make time for people they care about.
5) She stops sharing deeper and personal stuff about herself. Tries to keep things casual.
6) She doesn’t get mad at you for things she used to
7 ) She may stop saying ‘I love you’
8) She may revert to her old ways slowly. For instance if she quit smoking because of you, she might start smoking again etc
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I have to be honest with you, my brothers: If your current situation resembles three or more of the above signs she doesn’t like you, the situation isn’t going to go in your favor. As I said earlier, bow out gracefully and live your life, and before long someone will come along and appreciate all that you have to offer!
Oprah on Men
1. If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn’t want you, nothing can make him stay.
2. Stop making excuses for a man and his behaviour. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.
3. Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that’s not meant to be. Slower is better.
4. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.
5. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can’t “be friends”. A friend wouldn’t mistreat a friend. Don’t settle.
6. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is.
7. Don’t stay because you think “it will get better” You’ll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.
8. The only person you can control in a relationship is you.
9. Avoid men who’ve got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn’t marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?
10. Always have your own set of friends separate from his.
11. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up.
12. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later.
13. You cannot change a man’s behavior. Change comes from within.
14. Don’t EVER make him feel he is more important than you are. Even if he has more education or in a better job.
15. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less.
16. Never borrow someone else’s man.
17. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.
18. All men are NOT dogs.
19. You should not be the one doing all the bending. Compromise is two way street.
20. You need time to heal between relationships. There is nothing cute about baggage. Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship.
21. You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you. A relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals. Look for someone complimentary not supplementary.
22. Make him miss you sometimes. When a man always know where you are, and you’re always readily available to him – he takes it for granted.
23. Never move into his mother’s house. Never co-sign for a man.
24. You should know that you’re the best thing that could ever happen to anyone and if a man mistreats you, he’ll miss out on a good thing. If he was attracted to you in the 1st place, just know that he’s not the only one. They’re all watching you and you want more .. so you have a lot of choices. Make the right one.
25. Ladies take care of your own hearts. Share this with other women (just so they know) You’ll make someone smile, another rethink her choices, and another woman prepare. Hope I did.
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